Enabling Digital Dentistry is a SME innovation software house company focus on medical and dental digital applications in IT Health towards cutting edge solutions.

Technical advice

Project Management

Dental FEA 


Medical & Dental 3D Printing

Dental FEA & Bioengineering Coupled Multiphysics Simulation Hemodynamics Report 


VRMesh Software

Dental Scanner & Software


Horizon Europe 

Enabling Digital Dentistry gave contribute  to survey 'Horizon Europe Co-design 2021-2024' with our vision.

Horizon Europe framework programme should focus on health in particular dentistry care with huge impact for citizens . I suggest a new digital workflow able to produce more biocompatibility and less expensive dental prothesis with CAD CAM CAE 3D PRINT algorithms of modeling, analysis and simulation forecast medical model with engineering methods that enable to optimize digital workflow with a hardware like scanner and 3d print , particolary scaffold bio 3D printed using IoT and IA with deep and machine learning.
JOIN WITH ENABLING : Talent and motivate engineer, research , software developer are welcome ! Send resume and cover letter please.
 Enabling Digital Dentistry attended in NAFEMS ( International Association for Engineering Modelling, Analysis and Simulation Community ) .

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